The Brachistochrone Problem: A Journey Through Time and Curves

Brachistochrone Problem
Brachistochrone Problem

Have you ever wondered how a bead would travel from one point to another in the least amount of time? Intuition might tell you that the fastest path is a straight line. However, when it comes to the Brachistochrone Problem, intuition takes a backseat to the fascinating world of calculus and cycloids.

What is the Brachistochrone Problem?

The Brachistochrone Problem asks us to find the shape of the curve down which a bead slides from rest, accelerated only by gravity, in the shortest possible time. The term “brachistochrone” derives from the Greek words brachistos, meaning “the shortest,” and chronos meaning “time” or “delay.”

This problem is one of the earliest and most famous in the field of calculus of variations. Johann Bernoulli posed it in 1696, challenging the greatest mathematicians of his time to find the solution. Remarkably, Sir Isaac Newton solved the problem the very next day after it was presented to him.

Newton’s handwritten solution to the brachistochrone problem
Newton’s handwritten solution to the brachistochrone problem.

Surprisingly, the solution to the Brachistochrone Problem is not a straight line but a segment of a cycloid. A cycloid is a curve traced by a point on the rim of a wheel as it rolls along a straight line. This shape allows the bead to travel the path in the least amount of time, even if it means it may have to travel uphill for a portion of the distance.

In physics and mathematics, the cycloid minimizes travel time due to its unique properties related to gravity and velocity. When the bead slides along the cycloid, it accelerates faster initially than a straight path, ultimately reducing the overall travel time.

To visualize this, imagine a bead sliding down a ramp. Intuitively, a straight ramp would be the fastest, but the ramp that follows the curve of a cycloid will get the bead to the finish line quicker. This is because the bead picks up speed more rapidly on the cycloid, owing to the initial steep descent, which makes up for any uphill travel later on.

The Brachistochrone Problem is a beautiful intersection of mathematics, physics, and intuition-defying insights. It’s a testament to the power of calculus and the brilliance of early mathematicians who laid the groundwork for modern science.

Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.