The 20 Best Math Books to Read Now: Unlocking the Wonders of Mathematics

The 20 Best Math Books to Read Now

Mathematics has always been the subject of fascination and awe for many generations. While its mathematical principles shape our lives in countless ways, we often don’t have time to go through all the steps to understanding it — until now.

Whether you’re a math enthusiast or just looking to supplement your academic knowledge, finding the best math books can quickly become overwhelming with all available today.

To help, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of some of the best math books you could ever read. Get ready to unlock an entirely new level of mathematics exploration!

Table of Contents

Why Should You Read Books in Math?

Reading math books provides one of the best ways to learn mathematics. They help you understand the subject better and can be used as a reference and a way to improve mathematical skills.

The topics covered in these books are often illustrated with real world applications and explain even complex concepts clearly. While these books are particularly helpful for mathematicians, they are also invaluable assets even for graduate level mathematics students, teachers, and even non mathematicians who want to learn mathematics to become more knowledgeable in this field.

By continuously studying literature on math, you will be able to build an appreciation for it over time and get optimum results in future endeavors.

Why is it essential to learn mathematical concepts for everyone?

Mathematics provides individuals with the opportunity to develop logical reasoning and analytical skills. By pushing the boundaries of mathematical analysis, people can gain a better understanding of abstract concepts.

Learning these concepts can make everyday experiences easier because it enables us to approach problems from different angles, think more efficiently and creatively, process information quickly and accurately, and understand how things work.

Those interested in furthering their understanding should explore various learning resources in mathematics books. Everybody needs to recognize the value of expanding their knowledge of mathematical principles.

Can you learn advanced mathematics by reading these books?

Learning advanced mathematics by reading books is possible with the right attitude and a good self-study approach. It can provide an intuitive understanding of mathematical areas that might have been difficult to grasp.

With the right books, a person can work through problem sets and gain more insight into the fundamental principles at play. This can improve performance in courses or research in those same mathematical areas.

Reading carefully, doing exercises as they arise, and taking it one step at a time are all key components to success in learning mathematics independently.

List of Top Math Books That Experts Highly Recommend

The 20 Best Math Books to Read Now
The 20 Best Math Books to Read Now

Many seek the best mathematics books to help guide and inspire our scientific thought. This list of top math books highly recommended by experts offers great insight into the main concepts of mathematics and an exploration of various mathematical topics.

With reviews from experienced professionals, this list can provide up-to-date and accurate mathematics book recommendations. Many teachers can use these books as teaching assistants, giving their students more engaging learning experiences.

Although basic undergraduate mathematics knowledge is enough for many of these mathematics books, some are a bit advanced. This math books list will help get the basic idea of advanced topics like abstract algebra, contemporary abstract algebra, applied linear algebra, algebraic geometry, modern number theory, algebraic number theory, category theory, algebraic geometry, complex analysis, real analysis, modern analysis, discrete probability, etc. 

Therefore you should check the reviews before you purchase them. Get the list now and become more knowledgeable in the world of mathematics!

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife

Zero The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
Zero The Biography of a Dangerous Idea | Check the reviews on Amazon.

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife may seem like a book solely for mathematicians or scholars, but it is of great interest to all curious minds. This book explains the world history of the number zero, how it was discovered, and how it revolutionized the world.

From ancient civilizations to the birth of the digital age, Seife takes readers on a thrilling journey through time, explaining how zero changed our understanding of mathematics, science, and even philosophy.

The book challenges readers to think beyond the limitations of what they know and consider the power that one idea can have. The importance of zero cannot be overstated, and this book brilliantly captures its impact and relevance to society even today.

Any individual interested in the history of mathematics, science, and the prominence of zero should not pass up the opportunity to read this informative and engaging book.

No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra by Ivan Savov

No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra by Ivan Savov
No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra by Ivan Savov | Check the reviews on Amazon!

Linear algebra is an essential branch of mathematics that finds its applications in many diverse fields, from engineering to finance to data science. And if you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to learning it, this math book is undoubtedly the best.

One of the standout features of this book is its no-nonsense approach to teaching the subject matter. Savov cuts to the chase by presenting complex concepts in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner without watering them down.

Furthermore, the book is peppered with real-world examples and unsolved exercises, which helps readers apply the concepts they’ve learned in a practical context. This book imparts a deep understanding of the subject matter and is undoubtedly an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to master linear algebra.

Book of Proof by Richard Hammack

Book of Proof by Richard Hammack | Math Books | Abakcus
Book of Proof by Richard Hammack | Check the reviews on Amazon!

The Book of Proof is arguably the best book for learning mathematical proof, and the reason for this is the way the book is written.

This book features a comprehensive introduction to mathematical proofs. It is very accessible to beginners, especially those who don’t have a strong foundation in math, and it is a must-have book for math students.

Richard Hammack uses a conversational tone that makes the book easy to read and comprehend. He also provides numerous examples and unsolved exercises that help reinforce the concepts covered. Another great feature is the clarity and organization of the content.

Several chapters are structured to build upon the previous one, leading the reader logically and systematically toward mastery of the subject.

This book sets a high standard for other math textbooks and is a must-have for anyone who wants to excel in a mathematical proof.

If you think you need another math book about mathematical proof, you can also check 70 Best Math Books to Learn Mathematical Proofs.

A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy

A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy
A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy | Check the reviews on Amazon!

Undergraduate students may be absorbed in complex equations and formulas during their classes. However, it is important to take a step back and appreciate the beauty of mathematics as a whole. That is why every mathematics majors student should read A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy.

G. H. Hardy was a great mathematician. In his timeless classic, Hardy reflects on the beauty and significance of pure mathematics. Through its pages, you will learn how even the most abstract mathematical concepts can hold immense value and importance. You will also gain insight into mathematician’s life and their vital role in society.

So, take a break from the equations and delve into mathematical beauty and significance with A Mathematician’s Apology.

Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus – The Language of the Universe by Steven Strogatz

Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus – The Language of the Universe by Steven Strogatz
Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus – The Language of the Universe by Steven Strogatz | Check the reviews on Amazon!

Calculus can be a daunting subject for even the most brilliant minds, but fear not, as Steven Strogatz’s Infinite Powers: The Story of Calculus – The Language of the Universe is here to demystify the complexities of calculus.

In this must-read book, readers will be taken on a journey through the history and evolution of calculus, from its earliest origins to the modern applications we see today. 

Since many people consider Steven Strogatzphenomenal communicator because of his clear and engaging writing style, especially calculus students will gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of calculus in a way that textbooks cannot provide.

Whether you are struggling to grasp the fundamentals of calculus, like differential equations or antiderivatives, or are simply curious about the language of the universe, Infinite Powers is an essential math book for all calculus students, even if they are in high school.

There is a beautiful calculus lecture on Youtube that proves my words about this book.

YouTube video
“The Beauty of Calculus,” a Lecture by Steven Strogatz

Naive Set Theory by Paul R. Halmos

Naive Set Theory by Paul R. Halmos
Naive Set Theory by Paul R. Halmos | Check the reviews on Amazon!

Naive Set Theory by Paul Halmos should be the first book to read for any math student looking to gain a solid understanding of the subject and learn mathematical thought. 

This book is a classical introduction to the set theory and provides a clear and concise explanation of mathematics’s fundamental concepts and principles. It is one of best reference math books for set theory.

The author assumes no prior knowledge of mathematics and takes a step-by-step approach to present the material, making it easy for beginners to follow along. Reading Naive Set Theory is like laying the foundation of a building, which is essential in supporting any structure built upon it.

This book will give students a thorough understanding of set theory, a critical concept used throughout their mathematical journey. So, if you want to start your math journey on a firm footing or deepen your understanding of the subject, this is the book, to begin with.

The Pleasures of Probability by Richards Isaac

The Pleasures of Probability by Richards Isaac
The Pleasures of Probability by Richards Isaac | Check the reviews on Amazon!

Probability is a fascinating concept used in many areas of our lives, from predicting the weather to understanding the stock market. However, it can also be a tricky and difficult concept to grasp, and this is where The Pleasures of Probability comes in handy.

This insightful and engaging math book is the perfect introduction to probability theory, written in a way that is both informative and easy to understand. With examples and exercises that are both entertaining and relatable, this book offers a unique perspective on this important mathematical concept using different probability and statistics problems.

Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone interested in the mysteries of probability theory and introductory statistics, The Pleasures of Probability is an engaging read that will help you understand this fascinating subject’s wonders.

Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics by John Derbyshire

Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics by John Derbyshire
Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics by John Derbyshire | Check the reviews on Amazon!

If you’re a fan of mathematics, then there’s one book that you absolutely must read: Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics by John Derbyshire.

This book delves into one of the most perplexing and enduring problems, the Riemann Hypothesis. But it’s not just the topic that sets this book apart. Derbyshire writes with a passion that makes this book enjoyable for anyone, not just math enthusiasts. He weaves together history, biography, and mathematics into a story that’s impossible to put down.

So if you’re looking for a new book to add to your reading list, look no further than Prime Obsession.

The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdős and the Search for Mathematical TruthPaul Hoffman

The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdős and the Search for Mathematical TruthPaul Hoffman
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdős and the Search for Mathematical TruthPaul Hoffman | Check the reviews on Amazon!

If you’re a fan of numbers, you’ll likely find The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdős and the Search for Mathematical Truth an interesting read. This book by Paul Hoffman tells the story of the eccentric mathematician Paul Erdős, who spent a lifetime searching for mathematical truth.

Erdős was one of the most prolific mathematicians of his time, but what made him truly unique was his passion for solving problems. He traveled the world, working with other mathematicians on various problems, and was known for his eccentric lifestyle and quirky personality.

Through the pages of this book, you’ll learn more about Erdős and the quest for mathematical truth that drove him throughout his career. If you’re looking for a book that will inform and entertain, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers is definitely worth reading.

Euler’s Pioneering Equation by Robin Wilson

Euler’s Pioneering Equation by Robin Wilson
Euler’s Pioneering Equation by Robin Wilson | Check the reviews on Amazon!

Euler’s Pioneering Equation by Robin Wilson is an exceptional read for any mathematician who wants to delve deeper into the world of equations. The book highlights the genius of Leonhard Euler and his contributions to the field of mathematics.

Euler’s Pioneering Equation is a fascinating exploration of the relationship between complex numbers, exponentials, and trigonometric functions. This book uncovers the beauty behind Euler’s magical formula, e + 1 = 0, which is a cornerstone of modern mathematics. And for me, it is better than David Sumpter’s Ten Equations book.

Wilson’s writing style makes complex equations and concepts accessible to readers with various levels of mathematical knowledge. Euler’s Pioneering Equation is a must-read for anyone who loves numbers and wants to appreciate the depth and brilliance of mathematical equations.

The Calculus of Friendship by Steven Strogatz

The Calculus of Friendship by Steven Strogatz
The Calculus of Friendship by Steven Strogatz | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

If you are a calculus student, The Calculus of Friendship by Steven Strogatz is a must-read book. The book tells the story of a decades-long friendship between the author and his high school math teacher. The friendship is built around their shared love of calculus, which they explore through letters exchanged throughout their lives.

The book perfectly balances informative and entertaining, making complex calculus concepts accessible to readers of all skill levels. Steven Strogatz writes with refreshing clarity and warmth, making the story of his friendship an enjoyable read for anyone interested in math or human connections.

Read this math book, and you will gain a new appreciation for the beauty and power of calculus.

How Round Is Your Circle?: Where Engineering and Mathematics Meet by John Bryant

How Round Is Your Circle?: Where Engineering and Mathematics Meet by John Bryant
How Round Is Your Circle?: Where Engineering and Mathematics Meet by John Bryant | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

How Round Is Your Circle? by John Bryant is considered one of the best math books to learn about the application of mathematics in engineering. This book offers an insightful and fascinating exploration of the connection between engineering and mathematics, covering topics such as geometry, measurement, and design.

The author combines a clear and accessible writing style with engaging and thought-provoking examples to make complex mathematical concepts more approachable.

Whether you are a graduate student or a seasoned engineer, this book offers something for everyone looking to deepen their understanding of how mathematics shapes the world around us.

Philosophy of Mathematics by Øystein Linnebo

Philosophy of Mathematics by Øystein Linnebo
Philosophy of Mathematics by Øystein Linnebo | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Philosophy of Mathematics by Øystein Linnebo is a remarkable book that unlocks the secrets behind mathematics. The book provides a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of mathematics, such as set theory, and how they relate to the broader philosophical landscape. It explores the concept of infinity, the nature of mathematics, and the concept of proof.

The book is not only for mathematicians but also for anyone interested in understanding the beauty and power of mathematics. By delving into the philosophy of mathematics, readers can gain profound insights into the nature of mathematics, its origins, and its applications.

If you are curious about how math works and why it exists, this book will be an excellent guide.

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy by Bertrand Russell

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy by Bertrand Russell | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Bertrand Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy is a must-read for anyone looking to sharpen their thinking skills, and it is good reference material for beginner-level math students. 

In this thought-provoking paperback, Russell explores the foundational principles of mathematics and their applications in philosophy.

Through a clear and concise writing style, Russell challenges readers to think deeply about abstract concepts and analyze complex arguments to show mathematical thought. The book not only teaches readers how to think logically but also how to approach problems creatively.

By the end of the book, you will have gained a new perspective on the world around you and learned valuable skills that will benefit you in all areas of life. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone interested in expanding your knowledge, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy is essential to understand mathematical thought.

Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure by Cedric Villani

Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure by Cedric Villani
Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure by Cedric Villani | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Cedric Villani’s book, Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure, is a must-read for anyone interested in the inner workings of a mathematician’s mind.

In this captivating and insightful memoir, Villani takes us on a journey of discovery as he explains the thought processes and creative insights that go into developing mathematical proof with relevant timelines.

Villani’s narrative is entertaining and educational, conveying the joy and excitement of mathematical discovery while also providing a window into the rigorous analytical methods underpinning this discipline.

Whether you’re a seasoned mathematician or simply curious about the mysteries of abstract reasoning, Birth of a Theorem is a fascinating read that will deepen your understanding of mathematical exploration’s intellectual challenges and rewards.

Number: The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig

Number: The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig
Number: The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Tobias Dantzig’s book, Number: The Language of Science, is delightful for anyone looking into mathematics. From basic mathematics to complex calculus equations, Dantzig’s engaging writing style paints a vivid picture of how numbers play a fundamental role in our daily lives.

He weaves history, philosophy, and mathematics together to provide a comprehensive overview of the importance of numbers in fields such as science, technology, and finance.

By the end of the book, readers will have a newfound appreciation for the beauty and utility of numbers.

Whether you are a student or a casual reader, Number: The Language of Science is an enlightening journey through mathematics.

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R Hofstadte

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R Hofstadte
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R Hofstadte | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

If you’re looking for a book that will challenge your thinking and broaden your perspective, look no further than Douglas R Hofstadte’s Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. This groundbreaking work explores the intricate connections between mathematics, art, and music and how they intersect with the human mind.

Hofstadte takes readers on a journey through the works of three geniuses – mathematician Kurt Gödel, artist M.C. Escher, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach – and reveals their creations’ underlying principles. Through his insightful prose, Hofstadte shows us that there’s more to these subjects than meets the eye and encourages us to approach them with new curiosity and open-mindedness.

So if you’re ready to expand your horizons, pick up a copy of Gödel, Escher, and Bach and embark on a journey of intellectual discovery.

Number Theory by George E. Andrews

Number Theory by George E. Andrews
Number Theory by George E. Andrews | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Number theory is a fascinating field of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of numbers. If you are serious about learning elementary number theory, this George E. Andrews book is an absolute must-read.

Andrews, a renowned mathematician, assumes no prior knowledge of numerical analysis and presents the subject matter clearly and concisely, making it accessible to beginners and advanced learners. The book covers various topics, including prime numbers, modular arithmetic, diophantine equations, and much more.

Moreover, Andrews provides numerous examples and exercises that deepen readers’ understanding of the material. So, if you truly want to grasp the beauty and complexity of number theory, add Andrews’ book to your reading list.

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Charles Wheelan should be your go-to book to learn about statistics. With its easy-to-understand approach, this book takes you on a journey from basics to advanced concepts.

Introductory statistics can seem daunting, but in this book, it is broken down into bite-sized pieces that even the most math-phobic person can understand. The author Charles Wheelan has a talent for simplifying the most complicated concepts and explaining them in a way that is easy to follow.

You will find yourself engaged and entertained as you learn new concepts for organizing data for statistics with real-world examples that help make it all make sense.

Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry by Fukagawa Hidetoshi

Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry by Fukagawa Hidetoshi
Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry by Fukagawa Hidetoshi | You can check the reviews on Amazon!

Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry by Fukagawa Hidetoshi is a fascinating exploration of the relationship between culture and mathematics. The book argues that mathematical thinking is a universal language, and cultural and historical factors can also shape it.

Through the lens of Japanese temple geometry, Fukagawa examines how cultural values and aesthetic preferences influence mathematical concepts’ development and visualization. The result is a rich and diverse perspective on the nature of intuitive geometry, which challenges the notion of math as a static and objective discipline.

Whether you’re a math enthusiast or simply curious about the intersections between culture and knowledge, Sacred Mathematics is an engaging and enlightening read.

What are the best math books for beginners?

For beginner math students, the right math books can be a great asset. Math books come in all shapes and sizes, but finding ones tailored to the skills you need to develop can be tricky. Luckily, there are several great math books for novice mathematicians looking to better their understanding of math concepts. Popular works include Serge Lang’s Basic Mathematics which provides a firm foundation in basic principles and serves as a springboard into calculus, linear algebra, and other more advanced topics.

Michael Spivak’s Calculus aims to present calculus as the first real encounter with mathematics, and Silvanus P. Thompson’s Calculus Made Easy is one the best math books to learn calculus. Or you can try Ben Orlin’s Math with Bad Drawings. Whatever kind of help you’re looking for with mathematics, these math books can all provide invaluable assistance in improving your math skills.

What math books should mathematicians read?

Math enthusiasts and professionals should consider reading math books about math history to gain a deeper appreciation for the subject. Math books such as “The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS: Solving Crime with Mathematics” by Keith Devlin, “Proofs from THE BOOK” by Martin Aigner, and “God’s Angry Man” by Eli Maor all offer insight into the beauty that mathematics can bring.

These math books offer a different lens through which to explore math topics, giving readers a unique way to sharpen their understanding of this valuable field. Whether diving into a narrative story or discovering new facts, these math books contain something any math lover can appreciate.

Can I learn math from books?

Math books can be an invaluable resource for those seeking to expand their knowledge. With various topics covered and often explanations that break down complex problems, math books can be a good way for learners to visualize concepts in a way that suits their needs best.

While it’s beneficial to have access to experienced teachers or tutors, math books can also give learners a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals. Whether they wish to brush up on basic arithmetic or delve into advanced calculus, having access to the resources found in math books is essential to reach one’s potential in the area.

What are the best math books for self study?

Math books are a great way to self-study and better understand the subject. With so much online content, it can be hard to narrow down the best options for learning. Choosing from among the vast array of math books is an overwhelming task. Still, it’s important to find quality resources that cover topics thoroughly and provide explanations in an easy-to-understand way.

A good place to start is by researching book reviews and buying guides; many bookstores and websites also offer helpful expert recommendations. Be sure to find books encouraging problem-solving, including plenty of practice problems and real-life examples, since these are essential to mastering mathematics. With some research and trial and error, readers will eventually find the perfect math books for their needs. For instance, I have listed 30 best math books to learn advanced mathematics for self-learners last year.

What is the fastest way to learn math?

Learning math doesn’t have to be a difficult struggle. In fact, the fastest way to learn math is by using math books designed for your level of understanding. This means starting with books designed for beginners and building up the skills incrementally until you have mastered all the topics in each book.

With easy-to-follow instructions and guided examples, it won’t take long before you can easily tackle more complex mathematical problems. Additionally, practicing your skills as often as possible is important, so take advantage of problem sets and exercises available online to keep your mind on its toes!

Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.