It is possible to construct simple geometric forms to produce beautiful, abstract works of art with Isometric. The 60-degree rhombus serves as the foundation for everything. Experience sheer creativity as you experiment with the tension between two- and three-dimensionality – the possibilities for creating one-of-a-kind visuals and optical illusions are unlimited!
Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha has truly been a game-changer for anyone interested in mathematics and data analysis. Imagine having a tool at your fingertips that operates like a fusion of a complex…
Desmos is a fantastic online platform that I, as a math enthusiast, have found incredibly helpful. It's like having a comprehensive digital math toolkit right at your fingertips, completely free…
Paper Plotter
With Paper Plotter, learning math is not just easier—it's an enjoyable experience. It's like taking math from the page to the real world, revolutionizing the learning process and making complex…
PopMath: Math Outreach Events in Europe
PopMath is a project that tries to bring together all of the popular mathematics events taking place around Europe on a single map.
The Map of Mathematics
When I first encountered Quanta Magazine's "Map of Mathematics," it felt like I had stumbled upon a treasure chest of mathematical curiosity.
A Knot Zoo: Mathematical Knots
A Knot Zoo is an extraordinary digital collection where knots are explored and presented through a mathematical lens. This unique gallery showcases the beauty and complexity of knots using visualization…