20+ Must-Read Books for Teachers to Teach Better

The Best Books for Teachers

Master educators keep writing books for teachers because there are few jobs more courageous than becoming a teacher. And teachers have to come up with inspiring lesson plans, schedules, and homework.

Good teachers are lifelong learners, always looking to develop new skills and understandings. This year should be the time for more professional reading; reading is the most efficient professional development.

Where Do Teachers Find Books?

Fortunately, hundreds of books written by real teachers share real stories, tips, tricks, and motivation that will transition from college campus to a primary or secondary school teacher.

However, finding cheap books for classrooms can be a challenge. Sure, the school provides the standard texts, but if you want to buy a book, you must consider your budget! Other than used books, the best way to get the cheapest books is using Amazon Audible. Yes, Audible is the best and largest audible library. Moreover, you can try 30 days for free!

What are the Must-read Books for Teachers?

Here, I listed 20+ inspirational books for teachers recommended by master educators. This list has a little something for everyone, such as classroom management strategies, race issues, being a teacher during the digital age, and more. I believe every teacher should spend some time reviewing these carefully-selected books to stay up to date.

How to Think like Shakespeare, written by Scott Newstok, is an enlightening exploration into the lost art of thought. It takes readers back in time, uncovering the craft of thought used centuries ago through the works of Shakespeare and other famous writers. By distilling these timeless practices and giving them a modern twist, How to Think like Shakespeare shows us how to make learning more fun and fulfilling.

This book is a great reminder that although modern education has been invaluable in teaching us valuable skills, it’s also worth revisiting the older methods of thinking that have served humanity for so long.

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Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.