Prime Factorization Diagrams

Factorization diagrams are representations of numbers made up of dots that are organized according to factors. Brent Yorgey, a Ph.D. student, came up with the idea. Then Stephen Von Worley created this fascinating tool, a promenade of primes, composites, and their constituents, which are arranged with an aesthetically-tuned variation of Yorgey’s rules and displayed one at a time one prime per second.

Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.


A Knot Zoo

A Knot Zoo: Mathematical Knots

A Knot Zoo is an extraordinary digital collection where knots are explored and presented through a mathematical lens. This unique gallery showcases the beauty and complexity of knots using visualization…