Create your invisible fire extinguisher. The mixture of baking soda and vinegar creates carbon dioxide. CO2 is heavier than air, so it sits at the bottom of the glass. When…
Make a paper clip float on water. The paper clip is held afloat by the surface tension of the water. Water molecules are polar, so the molecules pull on each…
Make a barometer and predict the weather. As the air is sealed inside the jar, any changes to the air pressure outside the jar will direct the movement of the…
Measure the speed of light using chocolate and a microwave oven. Microwaves work by creating standing waves inside the microwave oven. The water molecules in the chocolate try to align…
Use eggs to find out about momentum and changing direction. The fresh egg will start to spin again when the finger is released, while the other will remain at a…
Create a working demonstration of Lenz’s law. As the magnet falls down the tube, it demonstrates Lenz’s law. Moving the magnet next to the non-magnetic metal induces an electrical current…
Clean a penny using cola. Pennies have a copper coating. As the copper gets older, it reacts with the oxygen in the air and begins to form a copper-oxygen compound.…
Create a liquid that turns into a solid when tapped. How does it work? When you mix corn starch with water, the large corn starch particles remain suspended in the…
Create a water vortex in a bottle. The water is rapidly spinning around the center of the vortex due to centripetal force. This is an inward force directing an object…