Strong As A Drinking Straw Dyson Engineering DIY Project

Strong As A Drinking Straw

Use a drinking straw to pierce through a raw potato.

How does it work?

Covering the top of the straw with your thumb traps air inside, forcing it to compress as you stab the straw through the potato skin. This creates enough rigidity within the straw to pierce the potato.

Strong As A Drinking Straw Dyson Engineering DIY Project 2
Strong As A Drinking Straw 3


  • Two stiff drinking straws
  • A firm, raw potato


Hold the straw by its sides, without covering the hole at the top and try quickly stabbing the potato.


Repeat the experiment with a new straw but this time place your thumb over the top, covering the hole.

Strong As A Drinking Straw Dyson Engineering DIY Project 3 1
Strong As A Drinking Straw 4
Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.

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