How to Make Melted Crayon Art

Melting. It’s a natural process that we can see everyday: the ice in a glass of water, the butter on bread right after it’s toasted, the candles on a birthday cake. Let’s try to melt crayons into a work of art! 


  1. White glue
  2. Blow dryer
  3. Canvas
  4. Crayons
  5. Newspaper


Melted Crayon Art 1
Gather your materials. 


Melted Crayon Art 2
Arrange the crayons at the top of the canvas with the pointy end facing down. Then, glue them in place. 


Melted Crayon Art 3
Cover the surface you will be working on in the newspaper. Then, turn the blow dryer on and bring it towards the canvas. Blow hot air down on the crayons. The crayons should begin to melt! If they don’t, raise the temperature of the blow dryer and bring it closer towards the canvas. 


Melted Crayon Art 4
When you’re satisfied with your creation, turn the blow dryer off and hang up your melt-tastic art! 

Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.

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