Build A Compass Dyson Engineering DIY Project

How to Build A Compass?

Build a compass.

How does it work?

Once the needle is magnetized it naturally wants to align with the Earth’s stronger magnetic field. This field, called the magnetosphere, is created by electrical currents that are generated by a churning molten iron core deep inside the planet. The Earth acts as if it has a bar magnet running through it with the magnet’s south pole located near the planet’s geographic north. Since opposites attract, the north pole of a magnetized needle is attracted to it.

Build A Compass Dyson Engineering DIY Project 4
How to Build A Compass? 4


  • Water
  • Straight bar magnet
  • Steel needle
  • A bowl


Fill the bowl with water.


Magnetize the needle by stroking it over the bar magnet about 50 times. Make sure the needle is orientated with the needle pointing to the north of the bar magnet on each stroke.


Drop the needle onto the surface of the water – from as close as you can – to let it rest on the surface tension.

Build A Compass Dyson Engineering DIY Project 2
How to Build A Compass? 5
Build A Compass Dyson Engineering DIY Project 3
How to Build A Compass? 6
Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.

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