Eight Things You Might not Know About Light Light is all around us, but how much do you really know about the photons speeding past you? There’s more to light than meets the eye.
What Is the Sun Made Of and When Will It Die? Like any star in its prime, the sun consists mainly of hydrogen atoms fusing two by two into helium, unleashing immense energy in the process.
To Save on Weight, a Detour to the Moon is the Best Route to Mars Launching humans to Mars may not require a full tank of gas: A new MIT study suggests that a Martian mission may lighten its launch load.
The Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla and His Tower This article is about the inventor, Nicola Tesla’s vision of a global wireless-transmission tower proved to be his undoing.
What’s Everything Made of? Long before philosophy and physics split into separate career paths, the natural philosophers of Ancient Greece speculated about the basic components from which all else is made. Plato entertained a…