Richard Hamming

Ever wonder why some people seem to tackle the most important problems in their field while others lag behind? Meet Richard Hamming, the man who not only invented cool things but also had the audacity to ask others why they weren’t working on the big stuff. While this approach may not have made him the most popular person, it certainly made him the most memorable.

In his book, The Art of Doing Science and Engineering, Hamming drives home the point that a life devoid of excellent work is not worth living. He describes it as a manual of style, highlighting how universities fail to teach crucial skills like choosing important problems, finding insight, and staying ahead of the curve. These are the skills that fall “between” the distinct subjects taught in academia.

But this isn’t just about Hamming bragging about his successes. Yes, he does take pride in his achievements, which is refreshingly candid compared to other technical autobiographies. He shares the circumstances that led to his wins, emphasizing the importance of having a prepared mind and seizing opportunities before others. He also humbly reflects on how he could have done better, offering explicit advice to help readers surpass his own accomplishments.

Packed with inspiration and captivating technical topics, The Art of Doing Science and Engineering is a must-read for anyone in a technical field who aspires to do truly great work. Don’t miss out on this remarkable read!