The Deep Sea is a mysterious and unexplored world full of wondrous creatures. Our knowledge is limited, yet it continues to capture our imaginations with its vastness. Thanks to Neal…
Life Stats, created by Neal Agarwal and hosted on, is an amazing way to gain insight into the moments of your life and track major world events since birth.…
Neal Agarwal has developed a revolutionary new tool, Universe Forecast, to help people discover what the future of our universe may hold. Neal strives to give everyone access to understanding…
Neal Agarwal is the brain behind the innovative website, Let's Settle This. This website offers internet users a chance to settle debates and help us move on from arguments that…
Neal Agarwal is the founder of Earth Reviews; a review site focused on providing feedback about Earth itself. Neal believes that Earth being a simulation means that there's always room…
Neal Agarwal created a groundbreaking interactive experience to give Apple fans a chance to participate in creating the company's next big hit. "Design the Next iPhone" allows you to create…
Neal Agarwal's Printing Money project is an eye-opening visualization that shows how much time it takes to earn a dollar, depending on the wage. The scrolling display explores wages for…
Neal Agarwal is the brainchild behind Sell! Sell! Sell! is a cutting-edge website that visually represents the most popular products across the globe. Neal's project allows users to view an…