436 Beautiful Postage Stamps of Mathematicians and Scientists

A retired mathematics teacher, Jeff Miller, has a beautiful website called Images of Mathematicians on Postage Stamps to honor mathematicians and scientists. We have curated 436 of those beautiful stamps of mathematicians and scientists to show you one of the most significant directories on the internet. We hope you enjoy it!

Leonhard Euler

Issued by Switzerland in 2007 on the 300th anniversary of his birth, Apr. 15, 2007.

Rene Descartes

Issued by Monaco in 1996 on his 400th birth anniversary.

Ali Kuşçu

Ala al-Din Ali ibn Muhammed, known as Ali Qushji, Latin: Ali Kushgii. Issued by Turkey in 2009.

Richard Dedekind

Issued by the German Democratic Republic on May 5, 1981, one of a series of six stamps, “Important Persons”.


Issued by Mozambique in 2010.

William Rowan Hamilton

Issued by Ireland on Mar. 14, 2005, to commemorate the World Year of Physics and on the bicentennial year of his birth.

Waclaw Sierpinski

Issued by Poland on Nov. 23, 1982, part of a series “Mathematicians”.

Ulugh Beg

Issued by the Soviet Union on Oct. 8, 1987, part of a series “Important Persons”.

Stefan Banach

Issued by Poland on Nov. 23, 1982, part of a series “Mathematicians”.

Stanislaw Zarembe

Issued by Poland on Nov. 23, 1982, part of a series “Mathematicians”.

Rene Descartes

Issued by France on June 9, 1937, in commemoration of the third centenary of the publication of Discours de la Méthode (shows “Discours sur la Méthode”).

Pedro Nunes

Issued by Portugal Aug. 9, 1978. The first shows “Nonio” navigational instrument and diagram from Tratado da Rumaçao do Globo.

Pedro Nunes

Issued by Portugal in March 2002 on the 500th anniversary of his birth: the stamps only.

Nobert Wiener

Issued by Israel on April 18, 1999, part of a series of stamps to honor the Jewish contribution to world culture in the modern era.

Niels Henrik Abel

Issued by Norway on June 5, 2002, on the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Leonhard Euler

Issued by the Soviet Union on Apr. 17, 1957, to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Euler’s birth.

Leonhard Euler

Issued by the German Democratic Republic on Sept. 6, 1983, on the 200th annniversary of his death.

Rene Descartes

Issued by Albania in 1996. This stamp apparently features a misspelling of the Latin form of Descartes, which should be Cartesius.

Isaac Newton

Issued by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) in 1993.


Issued by Greece in 1994.


Issued by Greece in 2017, one of a set of stamps, “Seven Sages of Ancient Greece”.

Sofia Kovalevskaya

Issued by the Soviet Union on Aug. 15, 1951, part of a series to honor famous Russian scientists.

Rene Descartes

Issued by France in 1996 on the 400th anniversary of his birth.

Ulugh Beg

Issued by Uzbekistan in 1994 on the 600th anniversary of his birth.

David Hilbert

Issued by the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2001.

Alan Turing

Issued by St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2000.

Spiru Haret

Issued by Romania in 1976 on the 125th anniversary of his birth.

Sergei Chaplygin

Issued by the Soviet Union in Sept. 1944, on the 75th anniversary of his birth.

Seki Kowa

Issued by Japan in 1992 on the 350th birthday.

Pierre Simon Laplace

Issued by France on June 11, 1955, part of a series Famous Frenchmen. The stamp was issued to benefit the Red Cross.

Otto Yulevich Schmidt

Issued by the Soviet Union in 1966, one of a series of stamps honoring Soviet scientists.

Nasir al-Din Al-Tusi

Proper name: Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi. Issued by Iran in 1956.

Mihailo Petrovic

Issued by Yugoslavia in 1993 on the 50th anniversary of his death.

Matteo Ricci

Issued by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in 2010.

Marquis de Condorcet

Issued by France on June 26, 1989, one of a series of stamps issued on the bicentennial of the French Revolution.

Juraj Hronec

Issued by Czechoslovakia on March 10, 1981, part of an eight-stamp series “Famous Persons”.

Jovan Karamata

Issued by Yugoslavia in 2002 on the hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Janos Bolyai

Issued by Hungary in 1960, on the 100th anniversary of his death.

Ivan Georgievich Petrovsky

Issued by the Soviet Union on Dec. 28, 1973, one of a series of four stamps honoring scientists and academicians.

Isaac Newton

Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska in 2018.

Isaac Newton

Issued by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) in 1993.

Isaac Newton

Issued by Poland on Dec. 10, 1959, part of a series to honor famous scientists.

William Rowan Hamilton

Issued by Ireland on Nov. 15, 1943, to commemorate the centenary of the discovery of quaternions.

Simon Stevin

Issued by Belgium on May 15, 1942, to benefit the battle against tuberculosis, part of a series “Famous Flanders scientists of the 16th century”.

Leonhard Euler

Issued by the German Democratic Republic on July 10, 1950, on the 250th anniversary of the Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin Academy of Science).

Leonhard Euler

Issued by the German Democratic Republic on June 7, 1957, part of a series “Famous Scientists”.

Leonhard Euler

Issued by Switzerland on Nov. 30, 1957, to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Euler’s birth.

Kurt Gödel

Issued by Austria in 2006 on the centennial of his birth.

Gheorghe Titeica

Issued by Romania on Apr. 11, 1961, part of a series to honor Romanian scientists.

Francesco Severi

Issued by Italy on April 23, 1979, on the 100th birth anniversary.

Eduard Cech

Issued by the Czech Republic on Aug. 26, 1993, part of a two-stamp series “Personalities”.


Hauer was a composer of the twelve-tone technique (dodecaphony). Issued by Austria in 1983.

Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.