14 Cool Websites to Learn Something New Daily

14 Cool Websites to Learn Something New Daily

If you are not making progress, you will eventually find yourself falling more and further behind. Using cool websites to learn something new daily is the only way to stay current in an ever-changing world. This is because change is constant and unavoidable. It is never too late to become a lifelong learner. Whether you decide to further your education or learn a new skill, it is never too late. In addition, a degree from an institution in the Ivy League is not required to obtain a world-class degree.

What cool websites to learn something new daily?

Did you know that free learning websites may help you learn a new language or acquire a new skill without spending a dime? Whether you are five or ninety-five, the internet has a lot to offer you. The internet is a wealth of information in general, but particularly so when it comes to educational topics. These free educational websites offer outstanding and free online education in various subjects, from history to coding.

Here is a list of fourteen exceptional websites to learn something new daily, accomplish your academic objectives, and find the career of your dreams. The best part is that many sites of good quality are free to use.

You may also want to check out 11 Excellent Lesser Known Online Tools For Lifelong Learners..

Courseroot is a library of more than 80.000 courses and tutorials from the largest providers on the internet....
You have probably seen TED before, and it is a site worth bookmarking and visiting regularly. TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative, and TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Everything they do supports learning, from producing a growing library of original animated videos to providing an international platform for teachers to create their interactive lessons to helping curious students....
Duolingo is still one of the greatest apps available for quickly and easily picking up the fundamentals of a new language while having fun doing it. Lessons on Duolingo are designed to be played like games and range in length from five to twenty minutes. They cover many languages, including Arabic, Spanish, Irish, and Welsh....
In today's digital age, learning is no longer confined to the classroom. With the help of platforms like Coursera, you can now access a wealth of knowledge from the comfort of your own home. From courses in computer science and data science to courses in business and communication, Coursera is a great way to expand your skillset and unlock your learning potential....
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Ali Kaya


Ali Kaya

This is Ali. Bespectacled and mustachioed father, math blogger, and soccer player. I also do consult for global math and science startups.