How a Split-Flap Display Works? Take a look inside Scott Bez's see-through split-flap display, made from laser-cut clear acrylic and an Arduino.
Economics 101: How The Economic Machine Works This simple, animated video answers the question, "How does the economy really work?"
How to Play the Jaw Harp? This is an instructional video that teaches you how to play the jaw harp by Jack Pearson.
Finding The Speed Of Light With Peeps There's a new use for those stale Easter marshmallows you have lying around - calculating a constant that governs the universe.
How a 15-Year-Old Solved a Rubik’s Cube in 5.25 Seconds? Collin Burns had the world record for solving the Rubik’s cube in 5.25 seconds. He tells us how he became a Rubik's Cube world record-holder.