Episode 32: The Electric Battery – The Mechanical Universe Volta invents the electric battery using the internal properties of different metals.
Episode 31: Voltage, Energy And Force – The Mechanical Universe When is electricity dangerous or benign, spectacular or useful?
Episode 30: Capacitance And Potential – The Mechanical Universe Franklin proposes a successful theory of the Leyden jar and invents the parallel plate capacitor.
Episode 29: The Electric Field – The Mechanical Universe Faraday's vision of lines of constant force in space laid the foundation for the modern force field theory.
Episode 28: Static Electricity – The Mechanical Universe Eighteenth-century electricians knew how to spark the interest of an audience with the principles of static electricity.
Episode 27: Beyond The Mechanical Universe – The Mechanical Universe The world of electricity and magnetism, and 20th-century discoveries of relativity and quantum mechanics.
Episode 26: Harmony of the Spheres – The Mechanical Universe A last lingering look back at mechanics to see new connections between old discoveries.
Episode 25: From Kepler To Einstein – The Mechanical Universe From Kepler's laws and the theory of tides, to Einstein's general theory of relativity, into black holes, and beyond.
Episode 24: Navigating In Space – The Mechanical Universe Voyages to other planets use the same laws that guide planets around the solar system.
Episode 23: Energy And Eccentricity – The Mechanical Universe The precise orbit of a heavenly body — a planet, asteroid, or comet — is fixed by the laws of conservation of energy and angular momentum.