The Math Problems Given as Homework in Just Before I Go

There are two short math scenes in that movie. By the way, a film which is highly recommended. One knows Seann William Scott, of course from movies like American Pie (Stiffler), Oldschool (a brief scene as a farmer with the tranquilizer gun), or the MTV music awards (the spoof of the matrix is excellent, a shitload of stifles). Here, in this a bit darker but uplifting comedy, he brings great performance, similar to that of Steve Carell’s exceptional performance in Little Miss Sunshine as one associated Carell, of course, with the “Office.” The math scene which appears in “Just before I go” is a flashback. The scene is highly staged. Different kids have books from different areas (there seems to be an ancient history book on the table). The math problems are given as homework (questions 1–12) on the green board are hilariously un-imaginative.