Produced by the team that created BBC’s “Planet Earth” series, “The Hunt” explores the relationship between predators and their prey. Sir David Attenborough narrates this documentary while the cameras follow the animals in their natural habitats. With a specific focus on strategy, the hunters are examined in detail — from their use of the environment to their sharp instincts and physical prowess. On the other side of the fence are the hunted, which use their senses and defense tactics to flee when they feel threatened. Each episode centers on a different habitat, and the last one focuses on the state of the planet.
This episode explores the ways predators – like the leopard, crocodiles, killer whales, and wild dogs – attempt to catch their prey.
2- In the Grip of the Seasons (Arctic)
This episode discusses the challenging nature of hunting in the Arctic and how top predators, like the wolf and polar bear, must adapt to the changing seasons in order to survive.
In this episode, the focus is on forest predators such as tigers, army ants, and chimpanzees.
In the immense and open ocean, predators face a continual search for food. This episode looks at how blue whales, sea lions, dolphins, and other ocean predators manage to hunt for prey in this watery desert.
The great plains of grassland and desert expose both prey and predator, challenging lions, bald eagles, cheetahs, and other predators to develop different strategies for catching their food.
The coast is home to air, land, and ocean predators, who must all take advantage of what few opportunities exist in this dynamic area shaped by tides and waves.
7- Living with Predators (Conservation)
In this last episode, visit the front-line of conflict between nature’s top predators and the human race. Three-quarters of the world’s predator populations are declining: can mankind learn to co-exist with predators like polar bears, tigers, and blue whales?