L. J. Reinders

“In this book, the author traces the development of Kepler’s ideas along with his unsteady wanderings in a world that was dominated by religious turmoil. Galileo and Johannes Kepler were advocates of the heliocentric world model that Copernicus developed. From an early stage on, his primary objective was to discover “the world behind the world,” which means to identify the underlying order and the secrets that make the world function as it does: the hidden world harmony. Specifically, he wanted to discover “the world behind the world.” Both Kepler’s religious faith and the Greek mysticism, which he discovered in ancient mathematics, were important motivating factors in his work.

As a manifestation of a fundamentally human desire to bring order to the apparent chaos that surrounds our existence, his urge to find a construct that encompasses the harmony of every possible aspect of the world, including astronomy, geometry, and music, is seen as a manifestation of his quest to find a construct that encompasses the harmony of every possible aspect of the world. This yearning persists even today as we look for a theory that will ultimately bring coherence and unity to our understanding of the natural world.”