The Singular Mind of Terry Tao At age 10, Tao became the youngest person in history to win a medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad. He has since won many other prizes, including a MacArthur ‘‘genius’’…
The Emergence of Calculus: A Mathematical Journey of Human Thought Calculus is an amazing mathematical journey of human thought. The emergence of calculus is a beautiful long read.
John Horton Conway: The World’s Most Charismatic Mathematician John H. Conway was the world's most lovable egomaniac. He was Archimedes, Mick Jagger, Salvador Dalí, and Feynman, all rolled into one.
The Man Who Tried to Redeem the World with Logic Walter Harry Pitts, Jr. was a logician who worked in the field of computational neuroscience. He tried to redeem the world with logic.